After Air Raids, Uganda Sends Troops into DRC to Hunt ADF


Ugandan troops have crossed into the Democratic Republic of the Congo as part of a joint operation against the Allied Democratic Forces, an armed group that both neighboring countries accuse of massacring civilians. 

Resident Julien Ngandayabo told Reuters, "There is a real panic here at home, especially because we were not informed of this situation. We have suffered too much with the ADF, who have massacred our families. We are waiting to see if this is the solution." 

The DRC's Catholic Church says the ADF killed about 6,000 civilians since 2013 while the Kivu Security Tracker blames it for more than 1,200 deaths in North Kivu's Beni area alone since 2017. 

The move by Ugandan soldiers is not universally supported in the DRC, where many critics recall the role of Uganda and Rwanda in the decades-long instability in the east of the country. 

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