Anil Soni Joins Advisory Board of ICTJ


ICTJ is pleased to announce that Anil Soni, Head of Global Infectious Diseases at Mylan, has joined its Advisory Board.

"We are honored to welcome Anil Soni as the newest member of ICTJ’s leadership. As a respected figure in the global health community with ample experience at international NGOs, he will bring unique expertise to our work,” said ICTJ President David Tolbert.

Soni currently directs the distribution of Mylan’s HIV/AIDS medicines. In addition to his work at Mylan to expand access to affordable medicines for infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and viral hepatitis, Soni is working on increasing access to contraception in developing countries.

    Image removed.Anil Soni

Prior to joining Mylan in 2012, Soni spent a decade building two leading organizations in global health: the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI). Beginning in 2002, Soni served as chief of staff to the first Executive Director of the Global Fund, developing its operational model, recruiting its talent, and raising its first $5 billion. After founding the Fund's "Friends of the Global Fight" satellite in Washington, D.C., Soni joined CHAI in 2005, where he led a string of deals with pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of AIDS drugs. He expanded the scope of CHAI with a $500M five-year deal with UNITAID to expand pediatric AIDS treatment; that program dropped drug and diagnostic prices by 90% and has treated 350,000 children to date. He was appointed CEO of CHAI in 2008.

Soni has also served as senior advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and to the Business Leadership Council for a Generation Born HIV Free (BLC). He is a Board Member for The Marshall Project, an independent media organization focused on criminal justice, and recently completed a five-year tenure as Chair of the Board for the Center for Civilians In Conflict (CIVIC), which works to minimize civilian harm in military conflicts around the world and to ensure amends to those caught in the crossfire.