Venezuela Faces Landmark ICC Investigation Over Alleged Crimes Against Humanity


The International Criminal Court is opening a formal investigation into allegations of torture and extrajudicial killings committed by Venezuelan security forces under President Nicolas Maduro's rule, the first time a country in Latin America is facing scrutiny for possible crimes against humanity from the court. 

"This is a turning point," said Jose Miguel Vivanco, the Americas director for Human Rights Watch. 

The investigation follows a preliminary probe started in February 2018 that focused on allegations of excessive force, arbitrary detention and torture by security forces during a crackdown on antigovernment protests in 2017. 

Maduro said he disagreed with ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan's criteria in choosing to open the probe but he expressed optimism that a three-page "letter of understanding" he signed with the prosecutor that would allow Venezuelan authorities to carry out their own proceedings in search of justice. He said, "I guarantee that in this new phase we will leave the noise to the side and get down to work so that, together, the truth can be found." 

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