Media Coverage

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Colombia and Ecuador have launched a joint alert system meant to protect Indigenous Awa communities from attacks by armed groups in the border region between the two countries. As illegal business activities like mining encroach into areas that Indigenous communities call home, violence and...
Peace talks between the Colombian government and the largest remaining rebel group in the South American country, the National Liberation Army (ELN), are to resume this week in Mexico City. The Colombian government was forced to backtrack on a New Year’s Eve announcement that a truce had been...
Colombia called off a ceasefire with the National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels on Wednesday, in an about-face after the left-wing guerrilla group said it had not agreed to halt fighting. The reversal less than four days after the initial announcement is a setback for plans by President Gustavo Petro...
The president says peace talks have led to an agreement to allow the Indigenous Embera community to return to its lands. Petro did not say when the Embera would return to their lands in the departments of Choco and Risaralda in western Colombia. They had fled violence between drug gangs, outlawed...
The presidents of Colombia and Venezuela held their first bilateral meeting in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, on Tuesday, where they discussed topics including trade, human rights, and protecting the Amazon rainforest. Among other things, Colombia's leader also urged Venezuela to reintegrate...
While rebuilding relations with the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Colombia's leftist administration should also remain focused on helping to address the human rights and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, Human Rights Watch said. "Colombia should prioritize obtaining concrete...
At least 10 armed groups in Colombia, including former members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels who reject the country’s peace deal and the Clan del Golfo crime gang, have agreed to participate in unilateral ceasefires, the government said on Wednesday. President Gustavo...
Colombian government representatives have met with members of an armed group that grew out of the demobilized Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels, photos tweeted by President Gustavo Petro have shown. On his Twitter account, Petro published two photos on Sunday that appeared to show...
Colombia has asked the Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro to be guarantor of talks with the National Liberation Army, or ELN, the last active rebel group in a country torn by decades of conflict. In a speech, Maduro said, "Of course we agree!" It thus joins Chile and Cuba as...
Colombia’s Truth Commission revealed the names of 423 people and 58 companies that allegedly financed the expansion of paramilitary organization AUC between 1995 and 1998 within the city of Medellin. None of the people and the companies in the AUC’s financial administration were taken to court after...