Announcing ICTJ's 2018 Intensive Course on Transitional Justice and Peace Processes, To Be Held in New York City


Given the positive feedback and enormous interest in the Intensive Course on Transitional Justice and Peace Processes held in Barcelona in October 2017, ICTJ is hosting a similar course in New York in March 2018. The course will continue to focus on practical examples of current, recent, or paradigmatic peace processes where the question of justice formed a significant part of the negotiating context. It will discuss and analyze country case studies, such as Colombia, South Sudan, Philippines, and Syria and raise a series of questions on substance, process, and participation.

The aim is to provide course participants with a firm grounding on transitional justice efforts and insight into the challenges and implications of different approaches to the justice question in peace processes.

In the aftermath of large scale and systematic violations of human rights, transitional justice aims to restore confidence in the rule of law through approaches centered on the rights of victims and the prevention of future violations. It does so through the application of policies and measures that vary in form, sequence, and duration. Conventionally these measures include criminal prosecutions, commissions of inquiry and truth commissions, programs aimed at individual and collective reparation, and measures of constitutional, legal and institutional reform. The primary characteristic of transitional justice is that it seeks to achieve its goals in conditions where there exist significant political constraints.

The negotiating of peace to end conflict represents perhaps the most challenging context, where these constraints are at their most acute. Negotiations are increasingly seen as more than discussions between warring parties: they often include representatives of the people most directly affected by the conflict in particular – the victims – and of society more generally.

Peace processes aim to do much more than find a way to address the needs of victims looking for justice: they must put an end to conflict operations, address ongoing humanitarian crises, and propose viable solutions for the underlying causes of conflict. Yet the prospect of dealing with the egregious violations of human rights committed in conflicts frequently represents a profound challenge for progress.

Does the inclusion of justice measures in the negotiations or agreement require specific trade-offs? If so, what have they entailed in previous experiences? Were there particular contextual factors that influenced the inclusion or exclusion of justice issues, such as international law or the balance of political power among the different actors? Did the exclusion of justice issue (in general or specific issues) from negotiations or an agreement negatively or positively affect broader peace process? These are among the key questions that will be considered during the week-long course.

Date and Location: March 5-9, 2018 at ICTJ Headquarters in New York City.

Participants: The program is targeted at mid-career and senior staff at multilateral agencies, governments, NGOs, foundations, and universities. Practitioners directly involved in countries dealing with peace processes are especially encouraged to apply.

Course Format: The course format includes a combination of lectures, small group discussions, and peer exchange of practical experiences.

Instructors: Instructors include top level experts and practitioners, such as Fernando Travesi, Ruben Carranza, Howard Varney, Anna Myriam Roccatello, among other guest speakers. Participants will be sent selected reading materials in advance, and receive a comprehensive resource packet for future reference upon completion of the course.

Language: This course will be taught in English and a high proficiency level is required to fully benefit from attendance.

Course Fee: The course fee is US $1,800. This fee includes course materials, refreshments, and lunch. It does not include the cost of traveling to/from New York, visa, accommodation, insurance, and other meals

Notice: Please note that this course requires a minimum number of participants. The course will be confirmed by February 5, once the minimum number of participants is met. Unfortunately, ICTJ cannot provide any scholarships or waivers for the course fees, but we can provide participants with letters of support in obtaining sponsorship, within the participant’s country of residence or work. We can provide logistical assistance and letters in support of participants' visa applications upon request. Payment arrangement information will be included in acceptance letters.

How to Apply

The application form can be completed here. Alternatively, it can be downloaded here. If you download the application, send the completed form to Kelen Meregali at

It requires a one-page letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, a copy of your passport, and one letter of reference. Applications will be accepted until January 29, 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by January 31, 2018. If you have any questions about the application process, program, or logistics, please contact Kelen Meregali at