23 results

For 21 years, the people of The Gambia lived under the dictatorship of military strongman Yahya Jammeh. Now, The Gambia is working to step up to the challenge of unpacking the past, building a brighter future, and ensuring that it never relapses into repression, violence, and exclusion. The ICTJ spoke with Dr. Baba Galleh Jallow and Musu Bakoto Sawo, the Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary of the TRRC, respectively, to hear their insights about their work and how the TRRC can build upon other efforts to put victims at the forefront of The Gambia’s transformation .

ICTJ calls on the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands to make the report of the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission public without delay. Almost one year since the TRC handed its final report to the prime minister, it has still not been publicly released, contrary to the law that established the commission.

HONIARA, Oct. 30, 2011—Today women from Solomon Islands will come together to present their submission to the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). More than 60 women from different regions of the country have collaborated in recording their experiences and sharing their vision for the future in this document.