22 results

ICTJ Vice President Paul Seils interviewed South African judge and human rights activist Albie Sachs.

ICTJ sat down with three prominent experts on restorative justice, to learn more about their experiences, restorative justice, and its role in transitional justice and Colombia.

“There is also the question of memory. It is necessary that all that happened becomes part of the national memory. And this will be a guarantee against the return of the dictatorship.” — Ridha Barakati, Tunisian Activist

There is no way to calm the pain left by war, much less erase the traces or water down the responsibilities into oblivion.  What does exist are the experiences of people who are making or made that transition in search of reconciliation.  These are some of their voices.

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed enduring legacies of repression. Some leaders have taken advantage of emergency measures meant to protect the population and curb the spread of the disease to instead crack down on civil society or political opposition and restrict ci...

On September 22, 2018, the International Center for Transitional Justice and the University of Birmingham launched Voices of Memory, an interactive exhibition inspired by a group of nine Tunisian women from across the country and from different generations. It is the first collective te...

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...