21 More Unmarked Graves Are Discovered in the Tulsa Race Massacre Investigation


City officials in Tulsa, Okla., announced on Monday that 17 adult-sized graves were uncovered at an excavation site in the Oaklawn Cemetery and another four were found on Tuesday, including two child-sized burials.

The project is part of the city's years-long efforts to get an accurate count of how many people were killed when a white mob decimated the affluent Greenwood district of Tulsa, where black residents lived under Jim Crow segregation.

Some historians estimate as many as 300 Black people were killed in the attack and the days of martial law that followed. Nearly all are believed to have been buried in a series of mass graves approved by the white authorities of the time, but Black people were reportedly barred from witnessing the burials of family members killed, as they were held under armed guard.

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