Indigenous Protest Leaders Agree to Talks with Ecuador Government


The Indigenous organization leading protests in Ecuador has agreed to hold talks with the government, as the South American nation has been rocked by mass demonstrations over the last two weeks. 

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) said in a statement that it expected to meet with officials from President Guillermo Lasso’s government. The dialogue could help bring an end to several days of anti-government protests in the capital, Quito, and elsewhere, which began on June 13 in anger over mounting fuel and food costs, among other social issues. 

Lasso announced a 10-cent per gallon cut to gasoline and diesel prices in a bid to quell the unrest, which has paralyzed parts of the country. But CONAIE said ahead of the meeting planned for Monday afternoon that the price cut alone is “insufficient” to end the strikes and would not do enough to address “the situation of poverty faced by millions of families.” 

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