Srebrenica Anniversary and North Macedonia’s EU Accession Path Exacerbate Old Tensions


The 27th anniversary of the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica resulted in a new wave of digital violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including hate speech and denial in the digital space. During the commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, on July 11, episodes of online hatred and denial re-emerged in the Bosnian online landscape. According to Foreign Policy, such tensions may be exploited by Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. 

 Meanwhile, France’s proposal to facilitate North Macedonia's EU accession process ended up by stirring protests from opposition parties and ethnic clashes online. Earlier in the month, French President Emmanuel Macron, during the NATO summit in Madrid, proposed a compromise solution by which North Macedonia would recognize the Bulgarian roots of the Macedonian language and strengthen the rights of the Bulgarian community in the country, in exchange for Bulgaria ceasing to veto the start of North Macedonia’s EU accession talks. 

In Serbia, threats targeting journalists and activists continued, while scamming and other computer fraud hit both Romania and Hungary. Activists from Kreni-Promeni, an independent organisation that campaigns on environmental justice, human rights, economic fairness and democracy, received an email threatening them with murder. Its Twitter profile blames such threats on the propaganda made against them in Serbia’s pro-government media. 

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