UN Rights Chief Says China Committing Violations in Xinjiang, Tibet


UN human rights chief Volker Turk on March 4 called on China to implement recommendations to amend laws that violate fundamental rights, including in the Xinjiang and Tibet regions.

Rights groups accuse Beijing of widespread abuses of Uyghurs, a mainly Muslim ethnic minority that numbers around 10 million in the western region of Xinjiang, including the mass use of forced labor in camps. Beijing vigorously denies any abuses.

China seized control of Tibet in 1950 in what it describes as a "peaceful liberation" from feudalistic serfdom. International human rights groups and exiles, however, have routinely condemned what they call China's oppressive rule in Tibetan areas. Turk, who said his office was engaged in "dialogue" with Beijing, also called for the release of human rights defenders, lawyers, and other people detained for "picking quarrels and making trouble."

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