The Gambia’s Ex-Ruler Jammeh Ignores President’s Campaign Warning


Yahya Jammeh, the exiled former leader of The Gambia, has ignored a warning by incumbent President Adama Barrow to not intervene in the country’s election campaign before polls.

Jammeh spoke remotely at a public meeting of Mama Kandeh, the presidential candidate he has endorsed. Jammeh had refused to concede defeat to Borrow following the previous election in December 2016. He now urges Gambians to back him and Kandeh, alleging that Barrow and his allies had “rigged” the 2016 polls and accused his successor of having “destroyed the country in just four years.”

Barrow’s critics have feared that the Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparations Commission instituted to address human rights violations by his predecessor, and which has yet to release its findings despite hearings, may only be a charade.

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