Iranian Ex-Official's Trial Resumes in Albania


The trial of a former Iranian prison official, Hamid Noury, accused of handing out death sentences as part of a 1988 purge of dissidents, moved to Albania on Wednesday, with a witness recalling "shocking scenes." 

Noury has been on trial at the district court in the Swedish capital Stockholm since August on a slew of charges including murder, crimes against humanity and war crimes, dating from July 30 to August 16, 1988. 

The entire Stockholm district court relocated to the Albanian port of Durres, at the prosecution's request, to hear testimony from seven witnesses unable to travel to Sweded. The seven to be questioned are members of the exiled opposition People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) group and are living in a camp near Durres. 

Mohammad Zand, the first plaintiff and witness before the court in Durres said, "What happened in Iranian prisons in the 1980s, and especially in 1988, is undoubtedly a genocide and a crime against humanity." 

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