Yemen War Deaths Will Reach 377,000 by End of the Year: UN


A new report by the United Nations Development Programme projects that the death toll from Yemen's war will reach 377,000 by the end of 2021, including those killed by direct and indirect causes. 

UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said, "In the case of Yemen, we believe that the number of people who have actually died as a consequence of conflict exceeds the number who died in battlefield." 

The conflict has been deadlocked for years, with Yemen teetering at the brink of famine, and tens of thousands of people killed. The situation in the country has been described by the UN as the world's worst humanitarian disaster with at least 15.6 million people living in extreme poverty. 

"The people of Yemen are eager to move forward into a recovery of sustainable and inclusive development. UNDP stands ready to further strengthen our support to them on this journey to leave no one behind, so that the potential of Yemen and the region can be fully realized—and so that once peace is secured, it can be sustained," Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States Khalida Bouzar said. 

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