23 results

ICTJ's President, as well as several ICTJ directors, speak about the critical need to address former injustices in order to prevent future conflicts.

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed enduring legacies of repression. Some leaders have taken advantage of emergency measures meant to protect the population and curb the spread of the disease to instead crack down on civil society or political opposition and restrict ci...

Across the state of Maryland, communities are coming together to uncover the truth about racial terror lynchings and seek redress for the enduring consequences of these crimes. “More than the poll tax, the grandfather clause, and Jim Crow segregation, lynching and the threat of lynching...

There are at least 40 known lynchings in the state of Maryland. Activists, descendants, and others in the community have worked hard to uncover the truth, preserve the memory of victims, and provide redress. This video explores this legacy of racial terror and its impact on Black commun...

Bulla Karatasi: The Forgotten Massacre, produced by ICTJ and Kenyan media house Africa Uncensored, is the first ever in-depth documentary film to explore the events surrounding the massacre that took place in Kenya's northern region of Garissa&nbs...

For many young people in countries that have experienced gross human rights violations, hip hop culture has been a lifeline and a surefire way to communicate their concerns and their will to resist oppression and change reality for the better. Through its initiatives in several countri...

After 33 years in the relentless pursuit of truth and accountability the family of anti-apartheid activist Nokuthula Simelane will finally see justice done. On 8 February 2016, the National Prosecuting Authority announced that it will charge four former apartheid security policemen with...

Two women abducted by the Lord´s Resistance Army (LRA) return home with their children born of war and fight to be included in a society that deems them criminals.