21 results

This short animated documentary follows a young mother of two whose husband was detained and disappeared by security forces in Syria some years ago. The film takes the viewer on her journey as a refugee searching for safety in Berlin and depicts the daily struggles she encounters once s...

In Lebanon, in the absence of an overarching curriculum, young people are growing up with scant knowledge of the country’s civil war. Over the past year, ICTJ has sought to fill this knowledge gap by holding oral history workshops with university students and connecting them with the Co...

As the conflict in Syria nears an end, the human toll continues to rise, with millions of Syrians forcibly displaced, including millions who have been forced to flee the country. Children have experienced particular harms, including lasting trauma and disabilities, a lack of education, ...

The story of Mark and Sharon, two Kenyan youths who believed in the importance of unveiling the truth about past crimes in Kenya and participated in the TJRC process.

Why pursue transitional justice in the aftermath of massive human rights violations? This video provides a window into the debate about the relevance of transitional justice in today’s world.

ICTJ Vice President Paul Seils interviewed South African judge and human rights activist Albie Sachs.

“There is also the question of memory. It is necessary that all that happened becomes part of the national memory. And this will be a guarantee against the return of the dictatorship.” — Ridha Barakati, Tunisian Activist

Bulla Karatasi: The Forgotten Massacre, produced by ICTJ and Kenyan media house Africa Uncensored, is the first ever in-depth documentary film to explore the events surrounding the massacre that took place in Kenya's northern region of Garissa&nbs...

Two women abducted by the Lord´s Resistance Army (LRA) return home with their children born of war and fight to be included in a society that deems them criminals.

The two goals of peace and justice, rather than being exclusive, are mutually reinforcing. When justice is ignored, the danger of violence recurring remains high.

ICTJ's President, as well as several ICTJ directors, speak about the critical need to address former injustices in order to prevent future conflicts.

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed enduring legacies of repression. Some leaders have taken advantage of emergency measures meant to protect the population and curb the spread of the disease to instead crack down on civil society or political opposition and restrict ci...

For many young people in countries that have experienced gross human rights violations, hip hop culture has been a lifeline and a surefire way to communicate their concerns and their will to resist oppression and change reality for the better. Through its initiatives in several countri...

Years after conflict, dictatorship, or historical injustice, victims throughout the world are still seeking redress and for their dignity to be affirmed. ICTJ has been standing alongside victims since 2001. We have worked in more than 50 different countries, helping to advance transitio...

On September 22, 2018, the International Center for Transitional Justice and the University of Birmingham launched Voices of Memory, an interactive exhibition inspired by a group of nine Tunisian women from across the country and from different generations. It is the first collective te...

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...

Ongoing economic and social inequality, a legacy of the dictatorship, affects Tunisians across generations, but has particularly pronounced impacts on young people. ICTJ worked with four young photographers to confront the consequences of marginalization and explore its impacts on Tunis...

After 33 years in the relentless pursuit of truth and accountability the family of anti-apartheid activist Nokuthula Simelane will finally see justice done. On 8 February 2016, the National Prosecuting Authority announced that it will charge four former apartheid security policemen with...

In October 2015, ICTJ asked Lebanese young people to use their cameras to explore their understanding of the Lebanese civil war as it shapes their country’s past and present. "The War as I See It" youth photo contest was organized to raise awareness about the importance of tru...