5 Résultats

Le Centre International pour la Justice Transitionnelle (ICTJ) vient de publier un nouveau guide pour les néophytes, les journalistes et les activistes, qui les conduit à travers le dédale de la « complémentarité », un principe fondamental de la Cour Pénale Internationale. Ce guide ex...

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is an internationalized court that will sit in the Netherlands and seek accountability for a specific set of crimes in Lebanon. Based on negotiations between Lebanon and the United Nations but ultimately decided by the UN Security Council, the Tribunal...

This briefing paper focuses on establishing a credible approach to accountability and human rights in a post-conflict Syria. Looking ahead to an eventual resolution to the war, it recognizes that Syrian authorities and civil society, as well as the international community, will have t...

This publication provides an overview of the essential best practices guiding the main aspects of a truth commission, answering basic questions relating to its goals, powers, operations, framework, protections for commissioners and witnesses, and reporting. Its intention is to provide...

Ce document d'information examine l'approche adoptée par la Commission de verité et dignité tunisienne pour enquêter sur les crimes de corruption de l'ère de la dictature de Ben Ali et identifier les institutions et les individus responsables, et si elle a jeté les bases de la respons...

First page of the briefing paper The Truth About Corruption