Seven Dead in Crackdown on Anti-Coup Rallies in Sudan–Medics


Protest organizers in Sudan's capital Khartoum announced two days of strikes and civil disobedience after security forces used gunfire and teargas on Monday to disperse demonstrations. The violence was against a coup and medics said seven people had been killed. The toll marked one of the bloodiest days since pro-democracy groups began a campaign of anti-military protests following the October  25 coup, and threatened to deepen the gulf between military leaders and a large protest movement. 

"The military prepared a massacre for us today, and all we've done is ask for civilian rule and democracy," said Mohamed Babaker, a 19-year-old student. Huge crowds have regularly taken to the streets demanding civilian rule since the coup ended a military-civilian power-sharing arrangement agreed to after Islamist autocrat Omar al-Bashir fell during an uprising in 2019. "What is happening in Sudan now is a full-fledged crime ... the free world must act," Faisal Mohamed Salih, a former information minister in the transitional government after Bashir's fall, said in a social media post.

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