Kazakhstan's Ex-Leader Denies Conflict with Successor


The influential former leader of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev denied any conflict with his successor Tuesday, in his first appearance since unprecedented violence in the Central Asian country sparked rumors of a power struggle. Nazarbayev, 81, was the first president of an independent Kazakhstan and had not made any public appearances since protests earlier this month that erupted into unprecedented violence. After stepping down, Nazarbayev maintained an influential role in the country's politics, giving himself the title of "Leader of the Nation" (Elbasy) —a constitutional status that affords him immunity from prosecution and policymaking privileges. 

The protests erupted over a hike in fuel prices but escalated into violence between security forces and government opponents that left dozens dead. Much of the anger appeared directed at Nazarbayev, who had ruled Kazakhstan since 1989 before handing over power. Tokayev has framed the riots as a coup attempt assisted by foreign "terrorists" but has provided little supporting evidence. 

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